Why do we all love watermelon so much? Well if you’re like most Americans we are known for thinking bigger is better. And although the watermelon isn’t the biggest fruit, that would be the Atlantic giant pumpkin, it is the largest melon.
Melons in general contain many essential nutrients including potassium which can help regulate blood pressure and keep hearts healthy. They have vitamins A, C and B6, and antioxidants to help protect skin. Plus melons have our favorite – fiber, helping our digestive systems work at its best.
Watermelons specifically are made up of more than 90 percent water making them the perfect fruit for hydration. Eating watermelon will keep you feeling full which will curb your appetite. Additionally watermelon can help reduce muscle soreness. And when it comes to the seeds – go ahead and eat them. In fact the best way to eat watermelon seeds is to roast them, served with a sprinkle of salt.
When picking a watermelon, the darker the green skin the better. The creamy yellow spot where the watermelon sat on the ground will show how ripe the melon is. Look for a spot that is not white or green but a creamy yellow. Overly yellow could be too ripe. When you tap the melon listen for a hollow sound which will indicate more water – meaning more ripeness. And if the weight of the melon feels heavier than it looks, it will have more water making it a juicier melon. Finally round watermelons are known to be sweeter than oval ones, however, oval ones tend to be more watery.
You can slice, dice or blend your watermelon. Grill it, skewer it, pickle the rind or cube it and toss with crumbled feta cheese, blueberries and mint for a delicious summer watermelon salad. Top with balsamic glaze and serve on a bed of arugula.