Canning can be done all year long – since there’s always something in season, but canning during fall harvest season is a great way to start canning if you haven’t done so before.
With fresh Michigan fruits like apples, peaches or pears so plentiful now is the time to make them last all year long. Whether sliced, diced or as sauce you can’t go wrong with canning fruit. And canning vegetables, especially in early fall when your summer harvest is still really strong, helps to keep your pantry filled with lots of healthy, fresh options. Canned root vegetables like beets, carrots, potatoes or sweet potatoes will be great to use in a winter stew or as a mixed vegetable at dinner. Having a selection in your pantry of canned goods means you have fresh, delicious produce at your finger tips all year long.
Not everyone has the time to can, or even the patience, but buying freshly canned goods from sources like Vince and Joe’s or our friends at Blake’s are a great alternative with the same great taste. Vince and Joe’s has a variety of canned goods and we produce them in large enough quantities that we can keep them in the stores most of the year. Items like canned peaches, pears, peppers, salsa and beans are popular because they are delicious and you didn’t spend three days working in the kitchen.
But we do know there are lots of you who still enjoy getting your hands dirty so if you’re one to do your own canning and you need to purchase in bulk just call ahead to order large quantities or ask in the store and we will help you. Look for some items in the store in bulk like fresh Michigan tomatoes starting the middle to end of August. By the end of August you’ll find Michigan apples, peaches and pears which can be purchased by bulk as well as all types of squash. Make these delicious Michigan favorites last much longer by canning them.